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Welcome to ANKUSH
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as "ANKUSH", a Non-Profit Organization for Environment Protection is having offices in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Suvarnapuri Vaidika Gosamrakshana Seva Kendra started by “ANKUSH”, the non-governmental organization for environmental protection, is situated at Suvarnagiri variously known as Jonnagiri in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh which was the southern extension of the “Mauryan Empire”. The presence of its reminiscences is in the form of exposed edicts engraved on the ancient rock in “Brahmi” script lithographs in what are known as the world famous “Emperor Ashoka” rock edits. They are 2300 years old religious edicts and identified as a monument of Andhra Pradesh recognized by the Archeological Survey of India.more..
Our Mission :
ANKUSH is to make Indians more aware of their agricultural heritage and, through education and niche marketing, involve them in conserving endangered breeds of farm livestock and wildlife.
Vision :
ANKUSH envisions a future where Indians are aware of their agricultural heritage and are involved in the preservation of endangered breeds of farm livestock and wildlife, both nationally and internationally. This involvement will be through a broad spectrum of sustainable Indian farms, which are economically and ecologically responsible, viable over the long term and will not deplete their resource base. In this vision, the gene pool will be preserved in the form of living animals as well as in gene banks..

The domestic or water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) belong to the family bovidae, sub-family bovinae, genus bubalis and species arni or wild Indian buffalo. Buffalo are believed to have been domesticated around 5000 years ago in the Indus Valley. The water buffalo can mainly be classNameified as River Read More..

Ancient scripture state that Suryaketu nerve on Indian cows back absorbs harmful radiations and cleanses atmosphere. Mere presence of cows is a great contribution to environment. Cow dung has antiseptic, anti radioactive and anti thermal properties. When we coat the walls and clean the floors of house with cow dung, Read More..

We have launched our initiative to conserve, research, high genetic breed improvement of Indigenous cattle and wild life at recently concluded United Nations convection on biological diversity (CoP-11) at Hitex, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Read More..

A new FAO, Rome, Italy study argues that women livestock keepers worldwide must be recognized as the major actors in efforts to arrest the decline of indigenous breeds, which are crucial for rural food security and animal genetics. Read More..

A new FAO, Rome, Italy study argues that women livestock keepers worldwide must be recognized as the major actors in efforts to arrest the decline of indigenous breeds, which are crucial for rural food security and animal genetics. Read More..

A new FAO, Rome, Italy study argues that women livestock keepers worldwide must be recognized as the major actors in efforts to arrest the decline of indigenous breeds, which are crucial for rural food security and animal genetics. Read More..