We privileged to introduce ourselves as “ANKUSH” a pioneer not-for-profit organization in India and Canada, a member in the FAO’s Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock” is working for propagating and conserving historic Recognized Indigenous cattle breeds. “ANKUSH” strive to find balance in protecting the environment through conservation, research, high genetic breed improvement program, sustainable use of Recognized Indigenous cattle and sustainable farming, whilst supporting women empowerment throughout its endeavors. "ANKUSH” is the only non-for-profit organization that is practicing conservation of Recognized Indigenous cattle in India in accordance with FAOs Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resource accordingly FAO had registered “ANKUSH’s Recognized Indigenous cattle project vide case number: 484 Dated. February 2, 2016. The head Quarter of “ANKUSH” is located at the biodiversity capital, Hyderabad and has regional offices at Ditchpalli in Telangana, Kurnool, Jonnagiri and Vodarevu in Andhra Pradesh, Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu, Bangalore & Mudigere in Karnataka.

"ANKUSH" is currently operating 4 In-situ and Ex-Situ breed improvement centers to improve cattle biodiversity in India. The Jonnagiri center is at a very important ancient heritage location which is next to the “Emperor Ashoka Rock Edicts". “Emperor Ashoka Rock Edicts” of Suvarnagiri variously known as Jonnagiri which was the Southern Extension of the Mauryan Empire (was treated as South Indian capital of the Kingdom). The great Mauryan Emperor Ashoka issued the rock edict at this place during the 3rd Century B.C. the rock edict was inscribed in "Brahmi" script and "Prakrit" language, 2300 year old evidence of “Telugu” script and "Buddhist Heritage" tablets identified as a monument of Andhra Pradesh recognized by the Archeological Survey of India under the Union Ministry of Culture. The inscriptions contained in 28 parts on nine rocks refers to Dharma as follows:

Thus Seth the beloved of the Gods you should act as instructed by the beloved of the Gods, you should order the Rajjukas in their turn should order the people of the countryside, as well as the local officers, called rastrikas in the following words. Mother, Father, and Elders are to be loved; living being should be treated with kindness, one should propagate the attributes of dharma, no living being be slaughtered for sacrifices “Truth Must Be Spoken”:

The conservation and improvement centers of Recognized Indigenous cattle are spread over 50 hectares of land that is used for cultivation and grazing. At present the centers are home to 300 Recognized Indigenous cows, bulls, and calves of 27 breeds, such as:

  • Ongole(D)
  • Punganur(CM)
  • Gir
  • Kankrej
  • Vechur(CM)
  • Pulikulam
  • Burgur
  • Malnad Gidda
  • Hallikar
  • Red Sindhi(C)
  • Kangyam
  • Rathi
  • Sahiwal
  • Hariania
  • Amrit Mahal(D)
  • Motu
  • Binjharpuri
  • Khillar
  • Kosali
  • Khariar
  • Ghumusari
  • Krishna Valley(C)
  • Umblachery(D)
  • Manapara
  • Vadakara
  • Kasaragod
  • Devarakota

For conservation and bred improvement purpose the Andhra Pradesh Livestock Development Agency has supplied BA-35 LN and 3 LN containers and liquid nitrogen for our Gosamrakshana Seva Kendra to preserve semen of the above said breeds. Frozen semen doses available for Ongole, Punganur, Red Sindhi, Kangyam, Pulikulam, Burgur, Gir, Vechur and Amrit Mahal breeds. At present our Seva Kendra is having 41 three wheeled mobile carriers for the conservation of Recognized Indigenous cattle breeding project and spreads awareness amongst the villagers/farmers.

‘ANKUSH’S after 3 years of negotiations with the Government of India and Andhra Pradesh Animal Husbandry Department and visiting 5 times to Brazil have achieved a template by acquiring first ever import authorization from the Government of India on 17 December 2016 to import 1,500 doses of semen, sexed semen and 50 embryos of Ongole, Red Sindi, Gir and Kankrej cattle from Brazil. Accordingly, FAO had recorded our import permit vide: ODG Case 153, dated: 17 January 2014. From this import permit, “ANKUSH” strongly believed that it had opened up a new bonding between India and Brazil in conserving and improving Recognized Indigenous cattle of India and Brazil. Kindly go through "ANKUSH" website which speaks our insight in our efforts and trust that it will be of greater value to whoever is interested in working for Recognized Indigenous Cattle and livelihoods of small and marginal farmers, especially women livestock keepers of India.